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It's Showtime

Absolutely unbelievable what Showi did today in the Grand Prix of the GC.

I am still completely speechless! The Olympic Games in July last year were Showi's last competition and today he delivered such a performance as if he had been doing nothing but collecting test routine for the last few months. Super focussed, great in front of me, faultless with a lot of harmony...

The trend was over 80 percent from the entry to the final and all the judges had more than 81 percent on their records at the end. On the final central line we got 4 10's for the passage.

Thank you so much Showi, you are the best!

I forgot to mention this in my enthusiasm for my dancer: we won the Grand Prix, the result: 82.36 percent! Tomorrow the first medal will be awarded in the Special, please keep your fingers crossed for us.

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