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Münster: Dayman third

Dayman was still a little impressed by the magnificent castle backdrop at the beginning, but then, and this made me incredibly happy at our Grand Prix Special in Münster, he was super focussed on my aids and showed himself to be calm and yet wonderfully expressive. That's exactly how it should be!

And what makes so much fun is his almost limitless talent for collection. The piaffes are beautifully springy and with a really lowered croup, the passages are incredibly balanced and with good front leg action and the pirouettes have a lot willingness of collection.

I also have to mention two small, but ultimately expensive, misunderstandings between us at the start of the half-pass to the left and the canter. I have to give him even more security with my aids.

All in all, and I am very proud of this, Dayman (owner: Lian-United GmbH), with whom I have only been ‘on tour’ since April last year, is becoming more and more stable and can show his potential more and more - and the ribbon for third place, with over 71 per cent, was on top of that ...



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